Leading the industry in gorilla-based chat clients.
Bonzi15 (NOW PROJECTBW15) aims to replicate the most official BonziWORLD Server from 2023/2022! BonziWORLD.org was originally Created by Fune as a part of a project to save BonziWORLD in early 2022 (BW NEO) and later used as a BonziWORLD bypass for school until it became a full BonziWORLD Server. It's been the most popular server since December 2022 and was the only place to connect with the true BonziWORLD Community. There were many attempts to take BonziWORLD down but none worked. It has the best security and features when compared to its clones and ripoffs. Bonzi15 is a revival of version 6.9.15 which aims to use the same features as BonziWORLD. This is only used for people who HATE THE NEW BONZIWORLD SERVER. THE PASTEBIN REMAKE IS INACCURATE. YOU'D HAVE TO MODIFY THE NEW HTML CODE AND REPLACE THE NEW STUFF WITH THE OLD STUFF. I FULLY HAVE THE BW 6.9.15 ARCHIVE, BUT I FORGOT TO USE THE OLD TAC. BUT I CAN SIMPLY USE THE WAYBACK MACHINE.
How do I use it?
- Enter a nickname (under 25 characters). If you don't enter one, you'll be named "Anonymous". (we r legion du nut 4 get). Your name is saved.
- Optionally, enter a room ID. If you want to join someone else, their room ID will be in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Be a BonziBUDDY
How do I markup text/what is markup?
- Markup is formatting text. The newer updates also included colors and animations.
- For bold text type **text**
- For big text type ##text##
- For italic text type ~~text~~
- For underlined text type __text__
- For line-through text type --text--
- For scrolling text type %%text%%
- For rainbow text type $r$text$r$
- To make a new line
do \n
- To make your message a different color, put $$color$$ at the start of your message (for example $$red$$)
What are the Commands
If you see any brackets, they indicate a placeholder. Don't type them in.
- /name [name] - Change your name
- /speed [number] - Change your voice's speed
- /pitch [number] - Change your voice's pitch
- /markup [on or off] - Turn text markup on or off
- /color [color] - Change your BonziBUDDY's color (not case sensitive)! The ones available are:
- Purple
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Pink
- Black
- Brown
- Jabba
- Seamus
- Jew
- Floyd
- Orange
- Inverted
- Ronnie
- Allah
- White
- Troll
- Yellow
- /emote [emote] - Make your BonziBUDDY do something! The ones available are:
- bow
- beat
- cool
- clap
- smile
- think
- /joke - Tell a horribly written joke
- /fact - Tell an AMAZINGLY written fact
- /youtube [link], [link] OR /video [link] - Send a video from somewhere.
- /image [link] - Send an image from an image url/link
- /background [link] - Set your background from an image url/link
- Set it to "main" for default
- Backgrounds are saved
- /asshole [user] - Call a user an asshole
- /pastule [user] - Call a user a pastule
- /owo [user] - Be a degenerate
- /hail [user] - Worship a user (preferably Hitler)
- /backflip - Do a backflip. Put "swag" after the command for extra swag.
- /triggered and /linux - Copypastas that every user on here loves
- /theme [CSS File] - Link your own CSS
- /nigger - Remind EVERYONE That Seamus is a NIGGER! You could access it also by niggerifying a user.
Yes, I know some commands, colors, jokes and facts are gone.
What can mods do?
- Change people's profiles
- Use HTML with /sanitize off
- Make announcements
- Make polls
- Mute and nuke people
and some more cool shit.
Who runs this?
The revival is run by TheBonziWORLDorgGummibarFan who are only here to make people feel nostalgic after the NEW BonziWORLD 7 Has RUINED the Life of people who loved 6.9. Well, not everyone. Right?
Are there any rules?
Don't break the law or the site.
Who made this?
The original version was made by some sonic obsessed faggot named Joe Judge who is worshipped by Seamus, another idiot with equally horrid code. Fune built it on top of other servers (I'm TheBonziWORLDorgGummibarFan if that's not clear by now). This version has the entire server-code made by me to fix Joe's mistakes and make it run better while Joe Judge only made the client, and even then I built massively on top of it.
Special Thanks to
- Ziggy
- SgtDanielArc 360 (AKA onute or jabba)
- George Floyd
- GBS (Gay Ball Sex group)
- UTTP (Tommy Porky had sex with Seamus)
- Kelvin Frederick Walker
- Polskasoft/Jewish Gaming 69
- Amelia (turkish egg whore)
- Our members